
Select a topic: Energy poverty Sufficiency

Title Starting Date Category Type
Renovation of social housing or construction of new social housing: Cohesion Policy Programme 2021-2027 financing 2023 Household Financial
Financing the construction of affordable rent apartment buildings: Latvia’s Plan of the EU Recovery and Resilience Facility measure 2022 Household Financial
Energy Efficiency Improvement and RES technologies in Multi-Apartment Residential Buildings: EU funding 2021-2027 planning period 2022 Household Financial
Energy efficiency improvement and RES-technologies in single-family and two-apartment buildings, including particular provisions for families with child 2021 Household Financial
State assistance for purchase or construction of high energy efficiency residential space for families 1) with child/children and 2) disabled persons - minor child or an adult who has not reached the age of 24 2020 Household Financial
Energy Efficiency National Fund 2018 General cross-cutting Financial
Increasing Energy Efficiency in Municipal Buildings: EU Programming Period of 2014-2020 2016 Services Financial, Others
Municipal initiatives: reduction of real estate property tax and municipal programmes to co-finance energy efficient renovation of residential buildings 2014 Household Financial, Fiscal
Increasing Heat Energy Efficiency in Multi Apartment Buildings (Measures to Improve the Thermal Stability of Apartment Blocks): EU Funds programming period of 2007-2013 2009 Household Financial
Increasing Heat Energy Efficiency in Social Apartment Buildings (Measures to Improve the Thermal Stability of Social Housing): EU programming period 2007-2013 2008 Household Financial